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Catholic Church is a welcoming place and guiding light towards heaven.

The word “Catholic” is Greek and it means “universal.” It is a way of expressing how many different people, churches and traditions come together into one Church and believe the same thing. It’s sort of like the first-century way of saying “nondenominational.”

Catholic Church began when Jesus himself said to the Apostle Peter, “You are the rock on which I will build my church. The gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Every pope since then has been part of an unbroken line of succession since Peter, the first pope.

The Archdiocese of Chattogram and the Catholic family is made up of every race, age, and walk of life. For centuries, the Catholic Church has served as a welcoming place and guiding light towards heaven.

Our faith reflects the foundations of the Catholic Church that are proclaimed in the Nicene Creed. These foundations include: that the Catholic Church is one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. The teachings and practices of the Catholic Church provide a deeper understanding of these four proclamations. They are expanded upon when Catholics actively celebrate sacraments, holy days, and the overall mission and authority of the Church.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Learn More About Our Faith


Christianity, major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in the 1st century CE.

Basics of Faith

The core beliefs of the Catholic faith are found in the Nicene Creed. I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

We Build Community

God has created man and woman in his own image and likeness.  Every baptized person has received the sanctifying grace, i.e., the life of communion of the Holy Trinity.